1908 - 1999

Charlie began helping his father and neighbors barbeque pigs as a boy growing up in Eastern North Carolina. The method of cooking at that time was to dig a rectangular pit two feet deep, stretch wire across the pit, place the pig on the wire, obtain coals from burning oak wood, and put tin over the pig to retain heat.
As Charlie grew, he continued to improve the flavor of the mix that was passed down to him. He even cooked barbeque to raise money for his wedding. Charlie's friends and neighbors began requesting that he provide them with the dry mix. The word spread and the requests increased. In the 1970's, his wife, Eula Mae, helped with packaging the mix in Zip Lock bags at their kitchen table and selling it. Unable to manually mix the volume needed, the mixture today is commercially prepared.
Charlie's son, Jarvis Mills, has continued to sell the product by word of mouth and lives in Greenville, NC. Charlie's granddaughter, Wendy Mills Sandy, is continuing the tradition via web-site to continue to provide the Eastern North Carolina vinegar-based barbeque sauce mix to the 'next generation'.
We take pride in offering the best original Eastern North Carolina Barbeque Sauce Mix in the world and are dedicated to serving the needs of our customers each and every day. We strive to enhance your quality of life with Charlie Mills Famous Bar-B-Que Sauce Mix.