Since the 1970's when Charlie and his wife, Eula Mae, sat at their kitchen table mixing a perfect blend of salt and spices in zip lock bags, to today's precise mixing and packaging, the recipe remains the same. Whether you use Charlie Mills Famous Bar-B-Que Sauce Mix as a dry rub, shaker, or as the original vinegar-based sauce, your taste buds will go on an unforgettable journey of satisfaction.
If using as the traditional vinegar-based sauce, simply add the content of the package to one gallon apple cider vinegar. Shake well and enjoy. No refrigeration required.
Warning: Your Friends and Family may not want to leave your next outing once they taste your culinary genius and experience your cooking secret. Pigs, chickens, cows, and other unflavory foods may uncontrollably make their way onto your grill for the Charlie Mills Famous Bar-B-Que Mix experience.